Wednesday, July 20, 2022

What I’m Watching: Loot

Loot: Season 1, Episode 6 “The Philanthropic Humanitarian Awards” (B+)

It’s good to see that not all impulsive decisions end up being the wrong ones, as the surprise donations turned out to be an extremely well-received effort that drummed up some much-needed good press for Molly and everyone else. Getting invited to the gala was a true opportunity for Molly to be recognized for her achievements separate from John, but then he had to go and show up there. Revealing to her that he was the one who had set it all up to give her a win was not what she needed, but she did a good job of resisting his cruel taunts, including that it was way easier to give money away than earn it. She also managed to get very much under his skin by going over to take a picture with both him and Hailey in front of everyone, and it was sweet to see how the whole team was there to depart with her when they realized that’s what would be best. Being asked to collaborate by the vodka magnate was a confidence-boosting moment, one that will surely make John jealous but can also just be about her and what’s good for her at the moment. Arthur being so intimidated by his programming hero was an opportunity for Howard to really process how older people saw him and how he doesn’t want his life predetermined. The term “six-billion dollar prison” feels extremely privileged and not terribly in touch with the way most people live, which was surely purposeful since Molly has already started to evolve beyond that.

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