Wednesday, July 13, 2022

What I’m Watching: We Hunt Together

We Hunt Together: Season 2, Episode 2 (B+)

It’s so interesting to see how Freddy responds to this fan she now has, and how she played with her own power. Tweeting out that someone should set Shannon McBride free had the expected result of her being killed, though it happened in a much more public way than it needed to, though it was appropriate given that she broadcast what, in the killer’s mind, were untruths and slander. That bird mask has apparently become quite popular, and I feel like Freddy wearing one is not the best look, and it’s going to create a similar situation to that subway scene from “Joker” where everyone’s wearing the masks and it’s impossible to tell who the true perpetrator is. Robert Miller’s behavior was certainly suspect, and apparently Jackson was the only one who didn’t find him threatening, buying a painting of his that his wife immediately demanded he take down because something felt very off about it. Lola was less kind, and it turned out that he was obsessed with Freddy in a different way that didn’t make him the right suspect but still worthy of flagging for truly odd behavior. Susan coming with them to arrest Robert didn’t lead to the big break they thought they would get but instead something much creepier. Though Freddy seems into and even turned on by the affection of this mystery murderer who keeps amputating body parts, she may still be in danger if she doesn’t respond in the right way when they finally meet face-to-face.

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