Saturday, July 16, 2022

What I’m Watching: We Hunt Together

We Hunt Together: Season 2, Episode 3 (B+)

I don’t think I’ve taken the appropriate time to praise this show’s unique blend of very serious drama and hilarious comedy, and if I have, it’s great to be reminded of it now that the show is back for a second season. Lola was shouting about how she couldn’t understand who both Marco and Polo were, when it was Jackson just trying to have fun in the first place by pointing out his discovery in that manner. But it was also quite a trajectory in this episode, with Dom coming over under false pretenses before being asked to follow Freddy, running into Gill with another man while she was with Del, and then ending up bleeding on the dance floor after Freddy got worried that Allie was going to end up the victim of her stalker because Larry went ahead and took the marked mask off his head. No one seems safe now, and I’m sure that Del is going to be very angry with Jackson for making her undertake this job, willing as she may have been, and that doesn’t even begin to cover the fact that Jackson’s pregnant wife is planning to leave him. Lola had her own romantic fling with Liam, which hardly seems responsible given that he’s intimately involved, professionally speaking, with Freddy, and leaving him to lock up in her own home felt particularly ill-advised. Freddy’s visit to Lester’s house where he tested her killer instincts by having her give him a potentially lethal shave was fascinating, and I’m curious if they’ll see each other again. Jackson and Lola did manage to get to Henry, and he’s definitely not going to be the same after finally sharing his feelings with Freddy and questioning her role in his sister’s death.

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