Monday, August 29, 2022

Emmy Catch-Up: Abbott Elementary

Abbott Elementary: Season 1, Episode 7 “Art Teacher” (B+)

I wasn’t sure how this was all going to work out for Janine since bringing a friend in to school likely wouldn’t result in good things, and I was pleasantly surprised by how it all ended. Janine making a cake for a retiring volunteer art teacher whose name no one knew was exactly the kind of behavior that she’s famous for, especially since the woman didn’t have any idea what her name was. Everyone making fun of her, including the assessment from Barbara that the fruit she ate wasn’t cool, was not a boost to her self-confidence, and so it made sense that she would want a friend to be working with her who didn’t constantly tease her. But it turned out that Sahar butted heads with Melissa in a major way and wasn’t willing to listen to Janine’s warnings to tread lightly. Melissa was wowed by what she ended up doing but furious when she found out what she had done with the Peter Rabbit books, which was definitely an extreme and unnecessary rejection of traditional literature. I like that Janine was able to get creative and figure out how to get her the new books, and that Melissa was proud of her for standing up to Sahar. Jacob and Barbara bonding over gardening was a fun and unusual thing, though it was so brutal when Devin just dumped all the zucchini he had spent all night preparing (in cold brew) in the trash. Gregory not being able to help himself by stepping in to correct their terrible gardening approach was also pretty hilarious.

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