Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Emmy Catch-Up: Scenes from a Marriage (Penultimate Episode)

Scenes from a Marriage: Season 1, Episode 4 “The Illiterates” (B+)

I had heard of this episode since it received writing and directing nominations at the Hollywood Critics Association TV Awards, which I was fortunate enough to attend and where Oscar Isaac took home an award for his performance. It started from a place where things seemed like they were okay, and Jonathan was alright with moving somewhere else and preparing for the next stage of their relationship. But, as with any big move like this, there are bound to be last-minute jitters, or, in Mira’s case, the implosion of the reliable elements in her life that force her to reconsider what’s actually important. Jonathan wasn’t happy to discover that since he’s spent so long moving on from Mira and realizing what he needs to take care of himself. Mira, in turn, was very hurt that he was so interested in having another child but hadn’t even considered having one with her. That it was one of the reasons that her relationship with Poli imploded surely didn’t help, but there’s so much baggage that these two carry around and then wield to hurt each other. Jonathan talked about another Jewish concept, the gett, a divorce document that bears a great deal of significance and in some cases involves a long process of withholding from a husband not eager to let his wife go even if he has no interest in being with her. That feels in some way like what Mira is doing here, though she would certainly offer a different perspective about how Jonathan’s neuroses play into the agony of always having to come back to him. I don’t know whether to expect any resolution in the finale or just more underlining of misery.

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