Thursday, September 22, 2022

Take Three: The Patient

The Patient: Season 1, Episode 3 “Issues” (B)

I didn’t know what to expect from the person who was coming down the stairs, and this turned out to be a disappointing non-starter for Alan. I just saw Linda Emond as another mother who can’t quite connect with her child in the upcoming Apple TV+ movie “Causeway,” and here she brought a detached sensitivity to the role, aware that Sam was not in good shape but hopeless to figure out how to help him. Alan, who is very specific with his requests so that the can maximize his chance of having them fulfilled while also acknowledging reality. Sam was not interested in having his mother be part of his therapy since he didn’t believe that she was his problem, and telling Sam that he should stop for his mom didn’t prove to be effective even after he got him to agree to have her join their therapy session. Pointing out that Sam is much stronger than him and should take the chain off does conflict with his imagined flashes of viciously lunging at him and killing him. Sam would rather just hype up the food he’s bringing for his captive, who definitely can’t enjoy them to the proper degree because of his situation. The flashbacks to Beth singing music at her son’s wedding knowing full well that his new community wouldn’t allow it were very interesting, and I’m curious to learn more about Ezra’s path to ultra-Orthodox Judaism and how that clashed with his mother being a cantor at a liberal-denomination synagogue.

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