Sunday, September 25, 2022

What I’m Watching: Kevin Can F**k Himself

Kevin Can F**k Himself: Season 2, Episode 4 “Jesus, Allison” (B+)

A surprise party for Patty probably was not a very good idea, but this episode did reveal some very interesting interpersonal dynamics. I particularly liked how Tammy startled Patty by being open to them spending the night with Allison before she found out about her last-minute idea to throw a party, and how she was actually open to helping Allison plan it once she knew. She was annoyed enough about everything that was happening in the process, including being part of a back-alley menthol deal that should have netted them a discount because she was a cop, and she concluded the evening with a vague threat to Allison about how they didn’t have to be friends and she didn’t want her around anymore. Allison is fast losing friends, including Sam, who wasn’t eager to help her after everything and who is now on Tammy’s radar too. Getting that footage at the end of the episode is bad news too since Tammy is already gunning for Allison and may have Tammy in her sights as well, who she’ll be very upset hasn’t been honest with her. Kevin’s scheme to get his dad to dump Lorraine with the terrible laugh failed, but his unusual efforts to help with the party did mean that Neil and Diane ended up drinking together, with yet another person who might have a reason to kill Kevin joining the ranks of this show’s ever-increasing numbers. They may ultimately end up being loyal to him, though, and so Allison could be on her own.

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