Saturday, October 1, 2022

What I’m Watching: Abbott Elementary (Season Premiere)

Abbott Elementary: Season 2, Episode 1 “Development Day” (B+)

It’s always fun to continue with a show you’ve only recently caught up on and start watching along with the general public for the first time. I’m especially endeared to this show after seeing the entire ensemble cast so excited to win a number of prizes at the Hollywood Critics Association TV Awards, and knowing how committed they all are makes it that much more fun to watch. Janine started off feeling optimistic with Tariq out of the picture and the new school year about to start, but Ava was ready to ruin all that with her morning barbecue and associated paid parking. Trying to let Tariq take responsibility for his own messes was a nice idea, but not paying his parking tickets that were attached to her car was not the best way to do that. Attempting to move the car with the boot on was a low point, and it was sweet that Jacob tried to rally everyone to help her out even if he ended up spending some of his own long-saved money. I was happy to see him get a win, able to do more than just translate for the non-speaking mascot and actually connect with deaf students. Barbara had her own success thanks in no small part to Gregory just deciding to do something, and that was good for him to feel like he could accomplish something small since his meticulously-planned calendar of the full year quickly fell apart. Even Melissa ended up happier than she thought with her new which larger classroom. It’s going to be a fun year.

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