Monday, October 10, 2022

What I’m Watching: Andor

Andor: Season 1, Episode 5 “The Axe Forgets” (B)

Being part of a resistance movement doesn’t just require effort and being there, and Andor received a relatively steely reception from his new comrades. We got to see a particularly perceptive approach from Arvel, played by Ebon Moss-Bachrach, a dependable actor who has appeared previously on shows like “The Bear,” “The Punisher,” and “Girls.” It was interesting to see Andor’s reaction to being asked a question and realizing that he wasn’t being tested but instead being legitimately sought after for his knowledge. It was understandable, therefore, that he wanted to be the one to fly it since he knew best, and there was plenty of additional rehearsing after that, including how to walk like a soldier and the importance of being left-handed. Telling them that he was being paid to be there didn’t go over well, but money can be a strong motivator, especially if those given it aren’t true believers. Syril’s trip home to his mother has not been very affirming, and he’s evidently got a lot of family baggage to unpack before he gets back to work. I’m intrigued by what we’re seeing of Mon’s home life, with her daughter insisting to her that she would rather not have her be involved in her life, a sentiment that she didn’t appreciate at all. I’d imagine that she’ll take out her aggression on how her daughter and husband were treating her on her underlings, and it’s never a good thing when someone brings in their personal problems to encourage them to take an even more hardline approach at work.

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