Friday, October 21, 2022

What I’m Watching: Avenue 5

Avenue 5: Season 2, Episode 2 “What an Unseasonal Delight” (B+)

It didn’t seem likely that half of the passengers were just going to burn up as the ship went far too close to the sun, but the fact that everyone survived suggests that things are going to be very uncomfortable as the division between those who had the chance to be saved and those who didn’t will surely become clear. Ryan thinking that magnets could repel the sun was nearly as idiotic as Judd, who expressed his intent to outlive the sun and boasted about having blocked it out with very standard means. This crew really does need to figure out how to make plans and just all get on the same page before announcing anything to the passengers, because the system of sorting out those 300 was quite chaotic. I appreciate that Matt, who stood and spoke throughout the entire close call, was content having peaked in high school and ready to give Rav a spot, while Ryan’s haphazard efforts to choose one of Eleanor’s children to come in with him somehow resulted in her husband joining him instead. At least the eels got saved, which is good news since these surviving passengers are sure to be hungry for whatever food they can get and that Frank hasn’t already cooked up with a toothbrush or something else inedible. I’m a big fan of Iris and glad to see her misadventures on land, where she’s constantly going on that ridiculous show and now managing the TV show about the ship so that she can try to get the government to do something to help.

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