Tuesday, October 18, 2022

What I’m Watching: Home Economics

Home Economics: Season 3, Episode 4 “Wedding Bouquet, $125” (B+)

I’m always a bit wary of flashback episodes like this one since they tend not to reference some of the important moments from earlier in a show’s mythology that aren’t immediately relevant at the time the episode airs. But, fortunately, that wasn’t the case here since this show is relatively insular and all of its players were on hand to play their parts. While it might have been nice to see what Connor’s relationship with Emily was like back then, instead we saw a much less impressive and merely boneheaded version of Connor who during the wedding got a business card from Sarah’s date Dennis that catapulted him into his life of monetary success. I liked seeing “Saturday Night Live” regular Alex Moffat as Dennis, who was absurd and excessive but also had a humorous reaction to being introduced to Denise. She came at Sarah quick when she realized that she still wasn’t out, and that ended up being a very sweet story that played out well, especially with Denise drinking with Marina, who was then quite happy to learn that they were going to be family. It’s also fun to see how the Lulu nickname came into being. The priest dropping dead and Tom trying not to panic was pretty typical, but that’s what makes this show endearing. It was great to cap it all off with Lupe providing multiple descriptions to the police of Tom. My favorites were “a real-life Flat Stanley” and “if string cheese was a man.”

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