Saturday, October 15, 2022

What I’m Watching: Reboot

Reboot: Season 1, Episode 6 “Bewitched” (B+)

This show delivered for me its first laugh-out-loud moment with Benny’s dry response of “that’s a television brand” to Gordon’s butchering of the LGBTQ acronym. There was definitely plenty wrong with everything all of the writers, young and old, said, and having someone from HR in the room didn’t make any of it better. I was very pleased to see Stephanie Allynne from “The L Word: Generation Q” as Mallory, who made a very inappropriate and surprising HR joke when she got asked a question about acceptability and then sweetly said yes to Hannah asking her out before she actually did it so that she technically has one more time left. Even more endearing was how, after telling Zack that she couldn’t date him because she didn’t want to jeopardize his career, she showed up to happen to run into him at the “Pulp Fiction” screening. I’m glad that the generally dimwitted former child got it without needing any explanation, but unfortunately they were also sitting right in front of someone who could very much expose their chance meeting. Reed was serious about how he was happy to just be friends with Bree, something that Nora, played by the fantastic Eliza Coupe, very much doubted, but Bree seems considerably more attached to the idea that something might happen again between them when she was disappointed to overhear him telling Nora that he loved her. Clay got appropriately punished for his past deeds, and it was great that Jerry knew he was a bad actor and therefore felt his second apology had to be sincere.

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