Saturday, October 1, 2022

What I’m Watching: Resident Alien

Resident Alien: Season 2, Episode 15 “Best of Enemies” (B+)

It was good that Harry opted not to kill Peter and instead just to torment him, only to have Asta show up and promptly apologize for how Harry had been treating him. Them teaming up was a fun surprise, and their raid on the government facility was a more dramatic development than this show often features. Seeing Harry in his alien form reunite with the baby was exciting, though it of course came at just around the same time as Peter finally found his son only to take a bullet for him that came from Joseph’s gun. Having Terry O’Quinn around for more than a few episodes on this show would have been too much to ask, but it was nice to see him return again for a multi-episode guest spot. I did like how Asta’s eagerness to push D’Arcy to stop saying with them resulted in her father telling Asta that it was time to move out. Having the two best friends live together might be good for them, and it will also enable them to keep an eye on each other as they struggle through different things in their lives. I’ve been wondering for a while what’s going on with Ben and thought briefly that he might be Peter’s son – which wouldn’t make sense given that whole Hawthorne family dynasty thing – and I’m still trying to figure it out. But his car accident may change things and halt the resort progress while repairing his relationship with Beth, as well as the many people of Patience who showed up to check on him.

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