Friday, November 25, 2022

Round Two: Tulsa King

Tulsa King: Season 1, Episode 2 “Center of the Universe” (B+)

Dwight is an enigma, stuck on things like cash and unaware of certain modern inventions but eager to discuss Arthur Miller amid his objection to pronouns being used in today’s age. But he’s growing on me, and it was fun to watch his negotiating skills at work with someone who came in not ready to budge but was also getting his newfound business partner quite high as he went nuts for the apricot preserves that he didn’t consider were giving him a major buzz. I’m also pleased to see Martin Starr deliver some deadpan humor as Bodhi, asking questions about how this arrangement he never signed up for and reacting to Dwight’s casual antisemitism. After processing what happened with her therapist, Stacy came right to Dwight to identify herself as an ATF agent, and I’ll be curious to see how that relationship evolves since they’ll surely come face-to-face in professional contexts. Dwight isn’t having an easy time moving on from the ghosts of his past, and he doesn’t seem interested in dealing with the mess he caused that Chickie wants him to address before it turns into something bigger and more problematic. Getting that debit card was enough to net him his daughter’s home phone number, but her quick unhappy greeting indicates that she has no interest whatsoever in starting up a new relationship with him. That doesn’t mean he’s going to stop, but it should at least get him to refocus on building up his industry in his new place of residence.

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