Sunday, November 6, 2022

What I’m Watching: The Capture (Season Premiere)

The Capture: Season 2, Episode 1 “Invisible Men” (B+)

I’m absolutely thrilled this show is back, and it’s the definitive early pandemic show that I remember watching and trying to recommend to as many people as possible, most of whom didn’t have Peacock. Given that season one was already premiering almost a year after the show’s UK debut, a second season didn’t seem guaranteed given production shutdowns and all that. But fortunately, just a few short months after its overseas debut on BBC One, season two is here. Like with season one, the whole thing is available all at once but I’ll definitely be spreading it out. That opening with the lights being triggered by an evidently present body and the lights going on and off as no one walked by was chilling, but the best surprise of all was saved for the very end, when Isaac Turner saw a new way of using the technology as he watched someone who looked and sounded just like him endorsing the very company he had no intention of endorsing on live television. I’m excited by the addition of Emmy nominee Paapa Essiedu from “I May Destroy You” as Turner, along with Rob Yang from “Succession” as Yan, whose motives may not be as nefarious as he thought but definitely are not good. The new DC, Chloe, made an immediate impression, especially when Patrick mistook her for the Cantonese interpreter. But now he’s been shot, not dead yet but in critical condition, pulling Rachel back in to all this in a big way. I’m not sure how involved she’ll be as just as an interviewer speaking to someone over video, but I did recognize Indira Varma from “Human Target” and “Game of Thrones,” and I imagine she’ll have a bigger role in this surely engaging season.

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