Monday, November 14, 2022

What I’m Watching: Ghosts

Ghosts: Season 2, Episode 7 “Dumb Deaths” (B+)

It is very much true that many of the deaths that these ghosts experienced were dumb, but Sam is far too kindhearted to want to take advantage of any of that since she has to hear how hurt they are about being represented in that way. Flower trying to hug the bear was rather moronic, and it wasn’t too surprising that she eventually came around to the idea of having her story told since she wasn’t nearly as embarrassed about it as Pete was. Being distracted by an argument with his wife about donuts and donut holes was an absurd reason for him to pass out the bows and arrows before doing the safety demonstration, but at least his teaching methods stuck with Jennifer so that she knew exactly what to do when Jay got shot after the crew member decided to fire off an arrow after he walked through Flower. I was pleased to recognize Rose Abdoo, who recently had a different role as an eccentric TV creative on “Reboot,” as the producer and to see how much Hetty admired her because she just took charge and knew what she wanted. Sam playing Flower in the episode that eventually aired was a fun twist, and I always enjoy her trying to pat herself on the back, like with her drama club involvement and how she just had to step in to play the part. Thor was smart not to weigh in on Nigel and Isaac’s bickering about what happened during the Revolutionary War, and though they’re still going to quibble, Sam’s knowledge from watching “Love Actually” about the special relationship between America and Britain was helpful in deescalating that tension.

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