Monday, December 5, 2022

What I’m Watching: The Capture

The Capture: Season 2, Episode 5 “Imposter Syndrome” (B+)

I like this episode’s title, which doesn’t even begin to capture the head-spinning nature of its revelations. I can appreciate that, after so much intrigue, we finally get definitive answers not just about who’s behind everything but also about why it’s happening. In an increasingly polarized world, it makes sense that the goal of any political campaign would be to present a candidate who can appeal to just about anyone. You’d think that conflicting stories about someone would mean that a voter would decide to support someone else because of that candidate’s inconsistency, but I suppose that people gravitate towards positive examples they like more than negative ones. Seeing that process work in the country of Georgia underlines its universality, and how a place like the UK is among the most influential testing grounds where Isaac could be positioned into a leadership trajectory that didn’t even need the real him’s buy-in. He’s certainly cut Rachel off as she’s starting to figure out what’s happening, and realizing the Knox connection came sadly too late. I knew she wasn’t going to be killed off but things did not look good when she was hiding in that elevator, and now she’s presumably going to meet whoever it is that’s bankrolling all of this and eager to suppress her potential to expose all of it. The concept of de-correction is also deeply problematic, as evidenced by her seeing the Russian assassin without his mask on, something she knows didn’t happen yet is being put plainly before her eyes as if it should be totally credible.

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