Saturday, January 21, 2023

What I’m Watching: Hunters (Penultimate Episode)

Hunters: Season 2, Episode 7 “The Home” (B)

After the powerful finish to the previous episode and with so little time left in this show, I didn’t love that this episode was entirely unrelated to the characters we’ve come to know and felt like it was told in a much more satirical tone. It’s also interesting to me that the man featured was supposed to be the chief Nazi architect given that the real-life parallel, according to some quick research, appears to have been a true believer who was allegedly much more than just a cog in the machine. Taking out the three Nazis who were there happened in a suspenseful but playful way, and the arrival of the missing persons unit who also kill Jews felt much more like “Jojo Rabbit” than the unhinged violence we’ve become accustomed to seeing. The inhumanity of the Nazi who shot the residents because he liked their house and they couldn’t come back empty-handed was disturbing, and the ability of the hidden Jews to fight back and take over the house still ended in a degree of tragedy since they weren’t willing to take an innocent child’s life. That the boat captain Jonah handed off Hitler to was the kid from the story had some resonance, but I do hope that we’ll get a finale which features this show’s regular characters and delivers some sort of cinematic justice. Having seen the title of that episode, I’m optimistic, and I also hope that the marketing of this season as the final one means the ending will be appropriately satisfying.

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