Thursday, January 12, 2023

What I’m Watching: The Mosquito Coast (Season Finale)

The Mosquito Coast: Season 2, Episode 10 “Eulogy” (B+)

Whereas last season’s finale felt very much like the introduction to something else which I never thought was coming, this one feels a lot more like goodbye. I was shocked that season two got commissioned, so maybe season three is on the way, but I’m still not sure this show knows exactly what it wants to be. It’s good that Dina was quickly located and that even Charlie, who did something reckless by tailing Richard and then confronting him, also didn’t end up dead. There didn’t seem like any good outcome from the hostage situation that involved Carter, Andrea, and her father reading prepared confessions at gunpoint, and having Guillermo, Richard, and Bill involved only made things more volatile. JJ picked a particularly unhelpful time to decide that Margot’s intelligence was useless when he really should have answered her call and assisted in some way, but the Fox family members are resilient. It seems to me that Allie survived this and is still alive, knowing that his family believing he’s dead is the safest and best thing for them. Either way, they’re going to have to leave and stay on the run, something that Dina has adjusted to her as her reality and which Charlie doesn’t mind as long as his parents don’t treat him like pieces of luggage. Having a family but not having a home isn’t great but, as Allie pointed out to his indignant daughter, there’s not necessarily an easy solution. I guess I would return for a third season if this show somehow did since this season was moderately more engaging, but I’m happy to bid farewell to it and check in instead on whatever its cast members’ next projects are.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Justin Theroux

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