Friday, January 27, 2023

What I’m Watching: Your Honor

Your Honor: Season 2, Episode 2 “Part Twelve” (B)

I do firmly believe that Hope Davis is one of this show’s standout players, and it’s fascinating to watch how she’s responding to everything in contrast to the more measured approach by her husband. She was the worst kind of impolite at the support group meetings, and she came around to a conclusion that worked for her, one that wasn’t about acceptance of her loss but instead about living in anger, which is sure to cause plenty of casualties. She didn’t have kind words for her daughter, who finally managed to get Michael to give her a minute so that she could show him why the two of them having a relationship would make him feel closer to Adam. The fact that the baby is named for both Adam and Rocco makes things incredibly complicated, but that’s why Fia has always been a strong character with a worthwhile expanded focus in season two. Little Mo is doing her best to keep on top of a messy situation, and protecting Eugene, if he ends up coming back, is going to be tricky, provided he doesn’t get himself into enough trouble where he currently is. Olivia banning Michael from even speaking to Charlie was a smart tactic, but it didn’t take him long for them to be in close contact. Michael managed to warn Charlie but he dismissed its severity entirely, which suggests that he’s going to be his own undoing, too confident in his own invincibility and not ready for what’s coming.

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