Thursday, February 2, 2023

What I’m Watching: Your Honor

Your Honor: Season 2, Episode 3 “Part Thirteen” (B)

It’s never a good thing to be the last one to know something about your own life, and Michael was not at all happy to get that call from Olivia where she started off by saying “Hi, grandpa.” He also didn’t stand for her asking him what his name was since she was very much already aware, and the fact that both he and Jimmy are now grandfathers to the same baby doesn’t make Jimmy want to kill him any less. Frankie didn’t buy that Jimmy would have understood and forgiven Adam’s fear if he had come to him that night and admitted what he had done, which Jimmy confirmed when he said that he would have killed him with his bare hands. That does negate Jimmy’s point that Michael turned him into a monster when he had a perfectly normal reaction to finding out that his son was dead, and seeing the two of them around the baby is definitely going to be interesting and deeply uncomfortable. Michael managed to spook Carlo with that story of the convicted defendant to whom double jeopardy didn’t apply, showing that he still has some power after Carlo drove him off from spending time with Fia and the baby in the park. Charlie chose to push back against Jimmy but Gina wasn’t having any of it, and now there’s a domino effect in which Eugene is once again in the middle of things thanks to Big Mo’s need to pull funds from one endeavor to fulfill her new premium payment. I like that Olivia wants to use Nancy to help her get to Michael, but she seems just as willing to cooperate as the newly-freed reluctant informant.

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