Thursday, March 23, 2023

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 9, Episode 6 “The Good, the Bad, and the Lucky” (B)

I realized at one point how interesting it was that none of these characters were around at the start of this show, since technically speaking Khione is someone different from Caitlin, especially since she’s not human. That this series has evolved that much from its start is both a good and a bad thing, partially since it’s gone on past it should have in terms of much of its storyline. I also take issue with the fact that Cecile was obsessing over missing the last train when she could easily just have asked Barry to come back from his neverending babymoon to spirit her back home. That was a technical issue that I didn’t find relatable, though at least she managed to get a lot accomplished while she was late for Jenna’s birthday. She and Allegra make a good team, and this was a fun opportunity to see a former villain turn into someone good because she’s in love. It’s hard to keep track of which characters we’ve seen before and which are new, but this is definitely the theme of this show’s final season: redemption for old characters who are now, willingly or unwillingly, on the other side of the law. Becky experiencing only bad luck because of the stone embedded in her engagement ring was a decent twist, though the rules of who it affects were bent a little much to be inconvenient at the start and then helpful towards the end. Let’s bring back Barry and Iris and get this show on the road for the last half of the season.

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