Sunday, July 22, 2007

Second Run TV: Smallville

Smallville: Season 6, Episode 13 "Crimson" (D+)

I am really mad that the CW decided to just skip three episodes in its re-broadcasting of the sixth season, including the Justice League episode which I have heard is so good. I had already seen one of the three, "Labyrinth", a what-if-Clark-didn't-have-powers-but-was-insane alternate reality hour which was pretty bad. But on to this episode. Do they really have to bring back the red kryptonite? And the transferrence via a kiss was a far-fetched. Clark has told his secret to approximately 1,754 people, but everyone seems to conveniently forget everything immediately afterwards. I think it is time someone else actually lived to remember Clark's secret. All the flirtation is pretty awkward, and Tom Welling really cannot play angry too well. Lex pulled a gun! Interesting, but not as interesting as Lana's discovery that something is a little off about the object that should have stabbed Clark. Could she maybe discover his secret soon....? Yeah and Jimmy is annoying.

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