Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: Rescue Me

Rescue Me: Season 4, Episode 5 "Black" (B+)

I definitely like this episode even though I keep finally like this season is not as electrifying and awesome as the first three seasons. Regardless, things are pretty on track here. The new chief played by Jerry Adler (Hesh from 'The Sopranos") is lots of fun. Mike living with Sean is pretty funny, and Tatum O'Neal continues to be great in a more limited but still stellar role. The whole Tommy-Jennifer Esposito thing seems to be repeating itself with that truck scene, but hopefully things are taking a new direction. And Sheila's boyfriend/Tommy imitator is great. Franco marrying his girlfriend? I suppose that should be fine, but it is my firm belief that every character does not necessarily have to become mature throughout a series' run.

Oh, by the way, FX is premiering a new show called "Damages" on Tuesday. You probably missed the ads every single commercial break for the past two months.

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