Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: The Shield

The Shield: Season 6, Episode 9 "Recoil" (B+)

This is the final episode before next week's 90-minute season finale. Things are not as clear-cut as they seem: Hiatt and Vic may not be the perfect match after all, Kesakhian's daughter is not as harmless as she appears, and Billings is a horrible person. Along with the subpar Franka Potente, Paula Garces (Tina) and Jay Karnes (Dutch) have wisely submitted this episode for Emmy consideration. Neither has a large enough part this season (Garces is considered guest), so I doubt their chances are good at all (Karnes was much more deserving in the first two seasons, see season one episode "Dragonchasers" to see why). They are dredging up a lot of season two & three stuff, like the Armenian money train and the Acaveda picture scandal, which I presume will be swiftly wrapped up next week to prepare for next season with a new invagorated Strike Team of Hiatt, Vic, Ronnie, and Julien. Last year's 90-minute season finale certainly did not disappoint, so I am excited.

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