Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: Studio 60

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: Season 1, Episode 21 "K & R, Part 3" (B)

While I still cannot accept the show's too-quick tone-switch to Really Really Serious all the time, and the fact that James Lesure, however sarcastic, is just not that funny as Tom's supposedly comforting liaison from the army, this episode feels far more solid than the first two parts. The conversations are more Sorkin-like, and while one of the show's best assets, the tremendous supporting cast, has pretty much been sidelined for four consecutive episodes, the leads are keeping it together. The flashbacks are making more sense, and while the Harriet's idea of "teaching you to pray" seems far too clear-cut and universal, I have a feeling the show may turn around for a decent series finale next week.

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