Tuesday, August 7, 2007

TV on DVD: Battlestar Galactica (Season 2.0)

Minor spoilers contained below.

Ten episodes in two days means that there has to be something good in this show. The season opener's title, "Scattered", very well describes the second season of the show, which finds its characters all off in different places fighting different evils. I am not completely behind all the creative decisions made for the show, but I feel reassured that it is heading somewhere good and that this may merely be buildup. If nothing else, it is entertaining and addictive. I really like the new character played by Lucy Lawless and think that any scene with Richard Hatch (Tom Zarek) is worth watching again. The mythical religious aspect is really being amped up, but I am not sure that I mind. Sustaining the whole insane Dr. Baltar plot has sure gone on longer than I ever would have expected, but the result is commendable and does not get as old as it should. The plotline concerning Sharon is all very-well played out, and the midseason finale (the finale of 2.0, leading into 2.5) presents a disturbing side of the good guys and should lead to some awesome confrontation in the second part of the season.

Having now gone more than 24 hours without "Battlestar Galactica" for the first time in a few days, I cannot imagine what it will be like when I have to wait over a month to start watching Season 3 (I have already found repeats of the third season, which will begin airing on Sci-Fi at 2:00am on Friday nights in September). Though I will not see BSG's nominated episodes until at least five days after the Emmy awards, I am so rooting for them to win.

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