Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What I'm Watching: Saving Grace

Saving Grace: Season 1, Episode 3 "Bless Me, Father, For I Have Sinned" (C-)

This all feels very trite and overdone, despite supposedly being a groundbreaking and original show. Even Grace is seeming a bit too normal, and her anti-church antics and less-than-lawful techniques are hardly shocking or new. I daresay she is becoming boring, and even angel Earl is toning down his memorable charm and yelling at Grace with seriously flashing his wings. I am also not buying this relationship between the new captain and Grace. It just seems out of character for both of them, and I stand by the fact that killing off the captain in the series' second episode was forced at best since I for one did not even know his name and could not have cared less about his death. To me that reads like a desperate attempt to force viewers to immediately sympathize with characters before getting to know them, but then again it could just be the attempted start of a new direction for Grace's life (aside from the obvious increased angel presence). All I say is, I would have given it more time.

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