Thursday, August 2, 2007

What I'm Watching: Rescue Me

Rescue Me: Season 4, Episode 7 "Seven" (C-)

I cannot believe that Tommy actually considered both giving his baby away to Sheila and throwing him into the water. This show has crossed a line of believability, one from which I am not sure it can recover. The rest of the plot is simultaneously becoming less interesting. The injection of the new chief and probie have decreased the amount of time and seeming energy exhausted on compelling relationships between the other firefighters. Janet is becoming an uninteresting mess, Mike and Sean are having stupid discussions, and Franco is getting set to embark on a bizarre relationship with his daughter and Susan Sarandon. Only Lou's storyline remains strong, though he may have just tossed away the most intruiging part, the sex-crazed nun. Hope for the future of the show lies in the possibility that Tatum O'Neal will return based on the impending Gavin family reunion.

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