Saturday, September 8, 2007

Emmy Predictions: Best Writing in a Comedy Series

The nominees:

EXTRAS, "Daniel Radcliffe"
This episode is laugh-out-loud hilarious, and Emmy loves "The Office" which is inspired by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. Its offbeat nature may weaken its chances, especially with the more widely watched "30 Rock" being in this category. Look out for a surprise win though.

THE OFFICE, "Gay Witch Hunt"
I personally do not think this is a strong "Office" episode at all, but its corresponding directing nod indicates that Emmy voters think otherwise. It seems like a louder kind of episode than "The Negotiation" which may help it.

THE OFFICE, "The Negotiation"
This is an absolutely hilarious episode which really uses all the supporting characters to their best, but I feel that it may be eclipsed by the crazier nature of the other four episodes in this category.

30 ROCK, "Jack-Tor"
Another very funny episode that captures the strange style of the show and truly incorporates all the bizarre characters. If Emmy voters like "30 Rock" as much as I think they will, this episode may have a fighting chance.

30 ROCK, "Tracy Does Conan"
I did not love this episode, but if I recall, this is the first "Dr. Spaceman"-related episode which is incomparably funny. The fact that Tina Fey wrote this episode only helps its chances.

Who should win: The Office, "The Negotiation" or 30 Rock, "Jack-Tor"
Who will win: 30 Rock, "Tracy Does Conan"

Next: Best Writing in a Drama Series

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