Thursday, September 6, 2007

What I'm Watching: Rescue Me

Rescue Me: Season 4, Episode 12 "Keefe" (B-)

The whole parallel sexual encounter montage with Franco and Shawn was more than a bit strange. Yeah, they have now moved on with their lives after unfortunate falling-outs with their respective significant others, but it was really just bizarre. Tommy dressing up in Jimmy's uniform, if that is even what happened (I was extremely confused) seems out of place and untimely. I really enjoyed Tommy's reaction to his daughter's boyfriend getting engaged to someone else, but would he really not care about the $5400 he spent on the ring on his credit card? Doubtful. The most intriguing thing keeping this show going is the new rift between Black Shawn and Probie. And Lou and his delicacy-making female friend. The show's fourth season finale airs next week.

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