Monday, September 10, 2007

Friday Night Combo: Monk & Psych

Monk: Season 6, Episode 8 "Mr. Monk and the Wrong Man" (B-)
Psych: Season 2, Episode 8 "Rob-a-Bye Baby" (B-)

I had contemplated reviewing these shows together on a weekly basis simply because they are so similar in theme and tone and because I always watch them back-to-back on tape. This week it seemed appropriate, but for a less than exciting reason. On this evening they both went a little too far out of the realm of believability from the start. "Monk" is too friendly and apologetic to the criminal he convicted, and this kind of behavior played out much better in last year's episode with Andy Richter. The whole nanny search on "Psych" was bizarre, and it seemed just a bit too convenient that the chief would ask the two detectives to find her a nanny right in the middle of a huge nanny-related crime spree. Both are funny to be sure, but this week their plots took a little bit of a break from reality. Season finales next week.

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