Monday, September 10, 2007

Second Run TV: Smallville

Smallville: Season 6, Episode 21 "Prototype" (D+)

I just do not understand the relationship between Lana and Lex anymore. Why does Lex not try to control her more if he is so ridiculously evil and fully aware that she is spying on his every move and project? And why does Lana not grill Lionel to find out why she cannot be with her precious Clark. This show would have been so much better if Clark had just told Lana for real in that 100th episode. In other news, good to see Helo from "Battlestar Galactica" showing up here though not in a truly fantastic role. What are the chances that he just happened to know Lois from his military training days? Grasping at straws.

The sixth season finale of "Smallville" airs next Thursday night. The new season, which I plan on watching unless I am so turned off by the finale, begins on Thursday, September 27 at 8pm.

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