Saturday, October 20, 2007

What I'm Watching: Damages

Damages: Season 1, Episode 12 "There's No 'We' Anymore" (C)

There is a certain excitement that comes with the token "big reveal" that we have theoretically been waiting for over a period of eleven episodes. Yet the way this show is structured, there is little that has not yet played out, and the flashback/flash-forward system sort of worked against the show because when everything becomes regular color and merges past with present, the show merely jumps forward, revealing but one scene. Did those Frobisher hoodlums have to keep hitting Lame Boyfriend with the Statue of Liberty bookends? It seemed at times inconvenient. Why not just shoot him or stab him and save the bookends for a more worthwhile occasion? The fact that Patty had nothing to do with it is good because that would have been ridiculous, but what the hell is Ellen's original mentor doing calling the bad guys on her? The end of this episode was pretty good, and I guess I am excited for next week's finale.

"Nip/Tuck" begins in this timeslot in two weeks.

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