Sunday, November 11, 2007

What I'm Watching: 30 Rock

30 Rock: Season 2, Episode 5 "Greenzo" (B+)

This show is so good at using celebrity guest stars without having them overtake the episode or getting hung up on the fact that they are famous and writing poor dialogue and even worse characters for them. My favorite thus far is Al Gore's blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo as himself. I am thrilled that he is willing to mock himself to the extent where he rushes off to save a whale that might be in trouble. David Schwimmer does a fine job as well as an environment-friendly mascot who takes his job far too seriously. Favorite line of the night besides Gore's is his response to Liz saying her computer takes a long time to boot up in the morning - "You know what else takes a long time to start? A new Earth!" And luckily enough the crazy nature of this show does not interfere with its cohesiveness, and the ridiculous memories of Kenneth's party are only harped on for a brief moment. Credit should be given to this show for incorporating NBC's "Green Week" without it being obtrusive, and for making fun of it on air.

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