Sunday, November 11, 2007

What I'm Watching: The Office

The Office: Season 4, Episode 7 "Survivor Man" (C)

NBC's "Green Week" swings its nature axe and destroys this episode. This only affirms my recent feeling that "The Office" needs to stop taking field trips and have everyone stay in at the office. There is enough material to work with that an entire half-hour at the office will not do anyone any harm. Putting Jim in charge is intriguing but ultimately way unfulfilling, as we learn that he made the same mistakes as Michael? I do not buy it. And Dwight is just a bit more than creepy stalking Michael in the woods. I will admit I did laugh when Michael cut his pants off to make a head scarf and a tent, and then refashioned them to be pants again. Did anyone else catch Michael wearing a "Battlestar Galactica" sweatshirt at the end, presumably the property of one Dwight Schrute?

Sadly, because of the strike, it looks like next week's "Office" is the last one we will be seeing for quite some time. Let's make it a good one.

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