Sunday, November 11, 2007

What I'm Watching: Scrubs

Scrubs: Season 7, Episode 3 "My Inconvenient Truth" (D+)

The Janitor of all people is not someone I would have expected would start trying to teach people about recycling and the like. NBC's "Green Week" strikes again, but unfortunately that is not the worst thing about this episode. This show is reusing plots scene for scene. From the first moment the underused Tom Cavanagh appeared, I knew that he would be more successful than J.D. expected, J.D. would call him out on that, Dan would be hurt for only a second, and then J.D. would realize his immaturity and all would be well again. That was exactly what happened this time (it has to be the third time at the very least), but this time they really dragged it out and beat it to death by having J.D. ask people if he was immature. I prefer the cocksure, obnoxious J.D. to this uncertain character who does not understand himself in the slightest. As far as NBC going green, I doubt destroying the windshield of an expensive Prius is great for the environment.

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