Sunday, November 11, 2007

What I'm Watching: Women's Murder Club

Women's Murder Club: Season 1, Episode 5 "Maybe, Baby" (B-)

The denouement of this missing baby case feels more than a bit tedious, and Lindsay and Tom shouting about not being married anymore gets a bit tiresome. Sure, it has to do with Lindsay not being able to have a baby, and leads to their eventual makeout session which finally will resolve at least a smidgen of the sexual tension between them, but cut it down a bit. Tyrees Allen has surprised me after his lackluster performance in the final season of "Alias", and I think he should be given a good deal more screen time. Ditto the reporter. She is far more interesting than the sappy assistant D.A. played by Laura Harris. More drama and intrigue should fill in for some of the overdone comic elements to make for a more balanced show.

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