Monday, November 26, 2007

What I'm Watching: NCIS

NCIS: Season 5, Episode 9 “Lost & Found” (B+)

They used a little kid once before who bonded very quickly with Gibbs; this time, he bonds with a bunch of the team members, without getting annoying, which is commendable. His obsession with Abby’s tattoos is a bit freaky (not quite as much as her consideration of showing him), but not to a troubling point. A recent “reader’s jeer” in TV Guide was annoyed with the fact that any suspect or victim of a case just happens to be somehow involved with the navy. Unless I missed something and the team of scouts was a naval children only branch, this is one case where the mother just happens to be a petty officer and so NCIS can in fact pursue the case. This slight filling in of the blanks does not cause too much of a problem, at least for this episode, but the show should be careful to keep the boundaries of reality and chance in mind.

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