Sunday, November 25, 2007

What I'm Watching: Weeds (Season Finale)

Weeds: Season 3, Episode 15 “Go” (A-)

I am impressed. While Doug’s singing is a bit strange, I have hardly seen an episode that ties up loose ends so completely while leaving the viewer with no idea where the show is going next. Nancy’s musings on a future career as a drug trafficker (!), Tara’s religious zealousness, and the DEA’s dogged pursuit of the drug dealer through different individuals makes it clear that the show can never again be the same. Nancy’s scene where she talks to Judah is only made more poignant by torching her home to ensure that nothing will be left. Playing the main title theme while shots of the destroyed locations from the opening credits is a brilliant way of reinventing the show. Nothing can ever be like it was, and I am so excited to see where it will go next summer.

Season grade: A- (give Mary-Louise Parker the Emmy!)

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