Saturday, March 15, 2008

What I'm Watching: Carpoolers (Season Finale)

Carpoolers: Season 1, Episode 13 “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” (D)

It amazes me that this show made it to the end of its thirteen episode order when “The Knights of Prosperity”, “Crumbs”, and “Sons and Daughters” before it were all canned much earlier by ABC. Unlike “Knights”, this show got progressively, and drastically, worse. This last episode tries for a funny, overplayed joke about a father trying to impress his daughter, and fades into the abyss of shows that no one, expect maybe me, will ever remember. Ah well, there will always be “Sons & Daughters”. If that show ever gets a DVD release, buy it right away. Don’t think twice.

Season grade: D+

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