Saturday, March 15, 2008

What I'm Watching: Jericho

Jericho: Season 2, Episode 4 “Oversight” (B+)

Just when the momentum of this show was starting to wane and it was looking for a minute like it might take a turn for the boring, one of the most shocking and brutal events yet occurs. They killed Bonnie! She really went down fighting though! I certainly did not expect Goetz and his people to burst into the house but even more surprising was Bonnie with that shotgun. One of the most intense sequences of the season that serves as a good reminder of why “Jericho” is still around. This no-holds-barred attitude of killing off main characters (though Bonnie was leaving anyway) is fantastic and refreshing to see (after shows like “Smallville”, where characters never actually die). That ending sequence was truly terrific.

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