Thursday, July 17, 2008

Emmy Nominees: Best Comedy Series

My predictions: 4/5, picking “Pushing Daisies” over “Two and a Half Men”

I was right about Entourage making it in, but I, along with almost everyone else, was sure that “Pushing Daisies” had a winning chance. Pretty surprising that it didn’t make it in. No other surprises here. “Ugly Betty” predictably gets snubbed, while Curb Your Enthusiasm returns to the list after a year off the air. Unfortunately, my hope that Two and a Half Men might be snubbed this year did not come true. And anyone who didn’t expect 30 Rock and The Office is just plain crazy

Who should win? “30 Rock” probably had the most reliable season, but I did enjoy “Curb Your Enthusiasm”, “Entourage”, and “The Office” (minus some episodes) quite a bit.
Who will win? With “Pushing Daisies” out of the way, “30 Rock” has this locked up unless they really mess up the episode submissions (which they won’t) and either “Curb Your Enthusiasm” or “The Office” pick their absolute best (which they won’t).

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