Thursday, July 17, 2008

Emmy Nominees: Best Drama Series

My predictions: 5/6, choosing “Boston Legal” as my alternate

I always feel like six nominees is sort of cheating. In any case, I’m happy that there are six here so that Boston Legal doesn’t actually take away a deserving show’s spot. This was the first category revealed, and NBC cut it way too close so that they were midway through announcing Damages by the time they cut over to the nominations. I am so thrilled that my risky prediction of Dexter paid off. I’m sort of still in shock that it made it in, but so glad. Also terrific that Lost was able to wedge its way back in, despite garnering only one other nomination. House and Mad Men were expected. Two of last year’s eligible nominees, “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Heroes” are unsurprisingly absent. This is quite a historic year, with not one but three non-HBO cable series breaking in for the first time ever.

Who should win? Tough call. Probably “Mad Men” this year, though I’d love to see “Dexter” (or “Lost”) win.
Who will win? “Mad Men” should have the most consistently good set of episodes to seal it for the win.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this catogory!
    I think Mad Men is a lock to win... but if something happens on Emmy Night, i hope for either LOST or DAMAGES to take the award, however i have a feeling that Boston Legal will surpise us all!
