Sunday, August 24, 2008

What I'm Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 2, Episode 5 "The New Girl" (B+)

I've never really liked the character of Peggy but in this episode, I think she's beginning to grow on me. She's always been the time of person who's constantly apologetic and always willing to sacrifice her own happiness to please others, but with some not-so-subtle nudging from a certain unfaithful wife, she finally stands up for herself and demands money from Don, proceeding to call him by his first name. I'm interested to see where that goes, as Don surely cannot suppress her and take advantage of her forever. I thought for a moment that he would call Roger, who would of course understand his situation, but I guess Peggy makes more sense. I hope the new girl has more depth to her, and I'd like to see Pete find out about his secret offspring.

For those interested, AMC is showing a marathon of the first five episodes of season two this coming Sunday starting at 5pm. Recommended viewing for those who have missed out so far on this season of the show.

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