Saturday, August 23, 2008

What I'm Watching: Monk & Psych

Monk: Season 7, Episode 6 "Mr. Monk Falls in Love" (B+)
Psych: Season 3, Episode 6 "There Might Be Blood" (B+)

While Monk's immediate affection for the suspect is rather puzzling, it still makes for quite an entertaining hour. I especially enjoyed everyone else's reaction to his attraction, and his continued, and ultimately correct, insistence that she's "not the guy". I do like it when there's a somewhat random connection to the case, like the secret and ultimately crucial identity of the murder victim. On the "Psych" side of things, I'm delighted to see Jane Lynch as the Chief's sister, since the two work together so much better than possibly anyone else I might have cast. It's a perfect role for Lynch, and this episode definitely showcases Kirsten Nelson's acting in a positive manner. I love all of Shawn's comments, and my favorite which I've selected from this episode: "I was never put in the first place." Comic brilliance.

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