Thursday, September 11, 2008

AFT Awards: Best Comedy Series

This is the twentieth category of the 2nd Annual AFT Television Awards to be announced, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.

Best Comedy Series

Runners-up: Entourage continues to be a great show; I just didn’t have room for it in my top five. The Office had some great episodes, but overall an uneven shortened season. Pushing Daisies was invigorating and inventive, and should only improve when it gets more time to develop. Both Psych and Monk are wonderful Friday night shows with just the right mix of comedy and drama.

The nominees:

Flight of the Conchords is the wackiest, most original and hilarious show I’ve seen in a long time. 30 Rock is just as wacky and supremely clever, and continues to improve with age. Californication is a fantastic comedy with an intelligent storyline and superb characters. Curb Your Enthusiasm is just as offensive and funny as ever. Weeds is staying strong as its storylines continue to warp and Nancy’s life becomes even crazier.

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