Thursday, September 11, 2008

AFT Awards: Best Drama Series

This is the nineteenth category of the 2nd Annual AFT Television Awards to be announced, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.

Best Drama Series

Runners-up: Dexter went a bit downhill in the latter half of its otherwise terrific sophomore season, and if the Emmys can place it as their sixth nominee, so can I. Battlestar Galactica had its up-and-downs, but a few of the episodes were truly terrific. The L Word benefited tremendously from a complete makeover. In Treatment presented an engaging format with some occasional truly stunning and shocking personal interactions. Dirty Sexy Money didn’t really have a chance to develop, but it was wildly entertaining so far.

The nominees:

The Closer had its best season yet, spotlighting each member of the cast and establishing an effective continuing narrative. Mad Men captured the 1960s with style and a tone and feel reminiscent of “The Sopranos”. Brotherhood continues to be a terrific underseen mob drama. Jericho gave it its all in a sadly limited seven episodes, and went out with a bang. Lost came back in a major way with a dazzling, game-changing season with some excellently memorable moments.

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