Monday, September 1, 2008

AFT Awards: Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series

This is the sixth category of the 2nd Annual AFT Television Awards to be announced, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.

Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series

Runners-up: Michelle Forbes blew me away in mere minutes on “In Treatment”. Samaire Armstrong and Jill Clayburgh play the good kind of crazy on “Dirty Sexy Money”. Shannon Woodward is still terrific on “The Riches”, even with a diminished role. Rose Rollins is now the MVP as closeted soldier Tasha on “The L Word”.

The nominees:

Natalie Zea is incredible as the crazy, superficial heiress on “Dirty Sexy Money”. Tricia Helfer handles multiple personalities with remarkable skill on “Battlestar Galactica”. January Jones is a terrific unhappy 60s housewife on “Mad Men”. Kristen Bell is out of control but enticing on “Heroes”. Tatum O’Neal is an entertaining wreck on “Rescue Me”.

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