Monday, September 1, 2008

What I'm Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 2, Episode 6 "Maidenform" (B+)

Don continues to be a respectable but utterly unlikeable hero, whose utter verbal beating of his wife is contrasted with his impressive and amusing takedown of his rather annoying mistress Bobbie Barrett. Duck continues to mess up as Sterling-Cooper continues to pt in way too much effort for accounts which are never really taken seriously. It's interesting to see a glimpse into Duck's personal life, especially that excellent scene with his near-lapse back into alcoholism and the giving away of his dog. I like seeing Peggy get more involved and try to break into the men's club, and I think she's a better character than she's every been before now. I'm also intrigued to see where the Peggy-Pete relationship will go especially since Pete is now trying to recreate his initial affair.

1 comment:

  1. Mad Men is a drama that I am hooked on. You are right about the developement of Peggy. She is starting to get more depth to her character. But Don. . .Argh, the writers are playing with our minds. such a tortured man that must soon collapse. But how.. . .when. . . .and with who near by.
